Deep Brain Stimulation
Newer DBS Techniques Allow For More Accurate Electrode Placement
Hanna Rogers
Asleep deep brain stimulation and robotic-guided DBS offer improved accuracy of lead placement, which contributes to better outcomes for patients with…

Deep Brain Stimulation
Medical Research Supports Asleep Deep Brain Stimulation
Hanna Rogers
Medical research shows asleep deep brain stimulation results in shorter surgical times and improved electrode placement over traditional awake DBS.

Deep Brain Stimulation
Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Patient a No Brainer
Hanna Rogers
John Bauer chose the Denver DBS Center to get asleep DBS, which offers superior lead placement accuracy.

Deep Brain Stimulation
Myths About Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s
Hanna Rogers
Deep brain stimulation is not an experimental treatment and other facts about DBS.