Spine Surgery
How long does spinal fusion recovery take?
Hanna Rogers
Spinal fusion recovery occurs in stages, with most patients fully recovered within 3 months. Learn what to expect and 5 things you can do to help your…

Back Pain
What can be done for low back pain when PT and medications don’t work?
Hanna Rogers
Two new minimally invasive procedures can treat many patients with chronic low back pain who haven’t found relief with conservative treatments.

Back Pain
Does spinal cord stimulation really work?
Hanna Rogers
Does spinal cord stimulation really work? This article will explain what exactly this treatment is and how successful it is at treating constant back…

Spine Surgery
Exploring the Different Types of Back Surgery
Hanna Rogers
When someone tells you they need back surgery, what do they mean exactly? This article explains all the different types of back surgery.

Pain Management
Pain Management Specialist Joins Neurosurgery One Parker
Hanna Rogers
Esther D. Yoon, MD, a pain management specialist in Parker, Colo., provides spinal injections and other treatments for back and neck pain.

Back Pain
Spinal Injections: A Simple Guide
Hanna Rogers
Are you interested in spinal injections? Click here for a simple guide that includes what to expect, types of injections, and if you're a candidate.

Back Pain
4 Tips to Ease Back Pain By Reducing Chronic Inflammation
Hanna Rogers
Chronic inflammation can lead to pain in the back, neck, legs, and arms. Here are 4 tips to reducing inflammation to relieve back pain.

Back Pain
What You Should Know About Injections for Back Pain
Hanna Rogers
Steroid injections are used to temporarily ease back and neck pain; learn how they are performed and more.

Relieving Spine Pain With Epidural Steroid Injections
Hanna Rogers
Epidural steroid injections deliver powerful medicine that can help relieve spine pain caused by sciatica, herniated disc, and spinal stenosis.