Intracept Basivertebral Nerve Ablation

Neurosurgery One
Video: A New Treatment for Chronic Lower Back Pain
Denver spine surgeon Dr. Lloyd Mobley discussed chronic lower back pain and a new procedure to relieve pain in this video recorded from a July 22 2022 Facebook Live session.

Back Pain
Intracept Patient Story
A patient discusses how she found relief from chronic low back pain with the Intracept procedure. Hear directly from the patient about her experience in this video.

Neurosurgery One
Intracept Procedure Animation
December 7, 2023
This video includes a detailed animation to visualize what occurs during the Intracept procedure, giving patients an idea of what they can expect from it.

Back Pain
Intracept Procedure for Low Back Pain
Intracept is a minimally invasive procedure to relieve chronic lower back pain in patients with vertebrogenic pain. Learn how patients are back to work the next day in this video.