Denver DBS Center was one of the first in the country to perform Asleep Deep Brain Stimulation, which allows greater precision and a shorter procedure while allowing patients to be asleep. As a world leader in this technique, we have used it more times than any other center, and most of our patients now choose it over traditional Awake DBS. Because Asleep DBS requires fewer brain penetrations and a much shorter surgery, it potentially reduces the risk of stroke, neurological injuries, and infection. For patients who cannot have Asleep DBS (a very small percentage), we also offer Awake DBS.
Electrode placement during Asleep DBS, the inpatient portion of the procedure, takes roughly half the time as Awake DBS. We perform DBS electrode placement at Littleton Adventist Hospital, which has a specialized neurosciences program. Using robotic guidance, the Denver DBS Center also is able to achieve more accurate placement of the electrodes, resulting in improved outcomes for patients receiving Asleep Deep Brain Stimulation over traditional deep brain stimulation performed while patients are awake. Learn more about the Denver DBS Center.